Monday, November 9, 2009

'Fundamentally Transforming' Healthcare Measure Passes the House of Represtatives

This weekend the United States House of Representatives passed what, if it became law, would surely be the largest spending bill in history. And, this after a few previous ginormous spending bills. The healthcare bill passed by the house would have an immeasurable cost. Additionally, the effects would be so far reaching that they are currently impossible to imagine. It is undeniable that the end result desired by the Democratic leadership of this country is a complete take over of the healthcare system by the federal government (The so-called single payer option.)
This should not be seen as a surprise or an unforeseen actuality, however. On October 29 2008 Senator Barack Obama said, "We are just 5 days away from a fundamental transformation of the United States of America." This statement is on its way to becoming a fulfilled prophecy.
It now comes to the U.S. Senate either to stop it, or to ameliorate the potential damage that single payer health coverage will surely do to the greatest health care system in history.
Please don't misunderstand me! I fully recognize that the health care system in the United States of America circa 2009 is not without serious problems… even fundamental flaws. It is my contention that each of these flaws must be addressed and corrected. However, a complete takeover of the health system by a federal bureaucracy whose founding document is a 1990 page tome which was contrived in the back rooms of union offices around Washington, and has never even been read by the vast majority of our legislators.
The fact is that it was not our members of congress, nor even members of their staffs who wrote the majority of the language that appears in the bill Passed by our House of Representative at 11:30 on a Saturday night. But rather, it was largely written by lobbyists and 'community organizer' bosses at the behest of our newly elected administration.
Interestingly, when I called the office of Senator Barbra Boxer and suggested to her aid that perhaps the best course would be to fix the specific problems in the health system. He said, “You mean you want to do it ‘piece meal’?”
I said, “Well, you are right! When I took my car in to have the brakes worked on the mechanic said, ‘I can paint it, and put in an old motor that I have laying around. It won’t run very well. But, it will look good, and it won’t go very fast, so it won’t matter if your brakes don’t work so well’.”
This, it seems to me, is the track that we are barreling down. We are rushing headlong toward a ‘fundamental transformation’ of our health cars system. It won’t work very well, but at least it will look nice, and the federal government will have control of the complaint department, so it won’t matter (to them) that we, the people, won’t be able stop it.

1 comment:

  1. Let us not forget the fact that once healthcare is controlled by the government, they will then have power to dictate what we may or may not do in every facet of our lives. "Nope, you can't eat that. That would affect your health negatively." Or "Nope, you can't do that as a hobby anymore. It is too dangerous. What if you have medical bills as a result?" Forget the USA PATRIOT Act. This Healthcare bill is the ULTIMATE intrusion into yours and my everyday lives. That is the end goal of the far left with this bill. By the end of the next decade, this bill would still leave many of the currently uninsured in the same state. It's nothing more than a Trojan Horse. Or perhaps just a large wooden badger...
