Friday, November 20, 2009

Open Letter To Gretchen Carlson at Fox News Channel

Dear Ms. Carlson,

I just heard your interview with Fox Business Employee, Carly Fiorina. Are You Kidding Me?

You twice characterized her as 'The Candidate' for California Senate, and made a declarative that 'You will be the Republican Candidate against Barbara Boxer for US. Senate next fall." (Forgive me if I didn't get the quote exactly' I haven't had the opportunity to review the video, yet.) Are you not aware that there is a primary election, and that she is running against Conservative Assemblyman Chuck DeVore for the Republican nomination? I know that Ms. Fiorina has been a FBN employee, and that she has, aparently, been nominated by Fox News, but does the primary process mean nothing to you? Is this 'Fair and Balanced?'

I have been a Fox News and FBN viewer since the inception of each. In fact, you may be interested to know, that I recently wrote about your Monday interview with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitino in my blog, "When in the course of human events..." (Don't worry, hardly anyone reads my blog.;-)

Would you please respond and let me know if Fox News is endorsing Ms. Fiorina against Assemblyman DeVore. If so I will act accordingly.

Jeff Schmutz


  1. I'll let you know when Ms. Carlson responds.

  2. They scream about bias in the media. Those in glass houses shouldn't throw bombs!!!!
